"what i've said, that will i bring about & what i've planned, that will i do." isaiah 46:11

Monday, October 30, 2006

lots going on around here...

well, this weeks already getting very full so i'll blog this & then we'll see how things go & how much time i'll get to my name... i'll be taking my 3 little bear cubs out trick or treating tomorrow night alone as spike's got meetings & won't be able to go with us... wednesday evening we'll be heading to the airport as barbara's flying 2 more little ones home to their new parents... 1 of the little guys that'll be coming in's ruby's cousin so i'm very excited about that!... barbara will then be staying with us for a few days & not leaving until saturday... it looks as if she'll be heading back to the states sometime next week as well as she's got visa appointments set up for next week as well (YEAH GOD!!)... i've got another heart dr. appointment friday AM just for my checkup & am sure that'll go well... everyone here's doing great & feeling well too... we've been having chilly weather here lately, but no one's sick (praise the lord!)... dustin spent the weekend with us & so we spent a ton of time with he & suzy & was very thankful for it - we had a great time!... well, i guess i'll close now as this mama bear's getting a bit tired & feel i'm rambling... tata for now!!

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