"what i've said, that will i bring about & what i've planned, that will i do." isaiah 46:11

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

- ARE YOU 5?? -

well, the other day, they were showing our house (yes, it still hasn't sold) & we had to be out, so i took the girls for a late lunch - we went to a local place we love & when we walked in, we were greeted by an older lady (one might say: she had some years on her, had a rough life, fought in 1 to many battles... & lost, etc.) - as we were being seated, kiara says, "are you 5?" - not hearing kiara, the lady tells us that our server will be with us soon, etc. & louder, kiara says, "BUT ARE YOU 5?" - the lady walks off, still not hearing kiara (i'm sure everyone else did!) & i said, "kiara, why in the world were you asking that lady, if she was 5?? - does she look 5 to you????" - she smiled & said, "she must be 5 cuz she lost 3 teeth, just like i did & i'm 5!" - whew, soooooooo glad she didn't hear her ask the, 'are you 5' question!!

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