"what i've said, that will i bring about & what i've planned, that will i do." isaiah 46:11

Friday, September 19, 2008

- timeout around here...what would you do? -

alright, i need help [desperately] from all you more experienced parents out there in blogland
kiara's always pushed the limits when it came time to lay down [be it naptime or night time] - she tends to get up [a lot] to see what everyone else's doing, to go into her sisters rooms where they're laying [we lay them down all in different spots/beds until they go to sleep & then move them later], to 'visit', etc. - she's not scared at all...she's nosey - it's as if she doesn't think we'll do anything to her or there won't be an consequences for her actions...wrong!
over the years [she's 6, so she's got many years behind her...hehe], she's gotten spanked, timeouts, things taken from her, privileges removed, earlier bedtimes, etc. - she's seen those that did choose to stay in bed, get rewarded for obeying, etc., but nothing's seemed to stop her
in the past 2 weeks, she's now got an accomplice...karleigh [age 4] - the 2 of them sound like rats running around upstairs - i truly am at my wits end on what to try - with other children in the home [one of which's just days old], i can't stand over them & monitor that they don't get up - last night we even took ruby & ahniér with us on a 'date' [out to eat & to the park] & so today i was sure they'd stay in bed as they've both talked all day about how they were not getting out of bed, but...they did [get out of bed, that is]
suggestions please...please!!! [& hurry because this mommy's tired of scolding as they're very good girls, just not paying attention to well these days
kiara in timeout
karleigh in timeout

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