"what i've said, that will i bring about & what i've planned, that will i do." isaiah 46:11

Friday, April 28, 2006

today was better...

well, we went in this AM & had her tested again (now we'll not go back for 2 weeks)... they asked me how she did & i said, "although i'm usually a very positive person, we honestly didn't see much change (if any) at all"... they said they were very conservative yesterday & that they wanted to up her quite a bit today... she went through all the testing & in the end of the session she was responding to about 70%+/- of what they were testing her on... they deleted the programs 1 - 4 from yesterday & reset a new group of programs 1 - 4 (these are louder & more intense)... she's on the lowest setting right now (p1) & from now over the next 2 weeks, we're to get her up to p4 & have her there for several days prior to that visit... she's responding to some things, but not to others (that may even be louder)... i'm not fretting today as i do see improvement & know that this' all so new to her that she's totally overwhelmed with it all... she did have a great visit & loves to wear her CI & harness!... this AM we got up & i went to get the earmolds from her hearing aids to use as the CI/behind the ear piece would sometimes slip off... she saw me getting the hearing aid container down & kept signing 'NO' 'STOP!', etc. & was touching her ear & signing 'LISTEN' because she wanted her CI on!!... the main thing we're seeing & know this' a bit to be expected) is she's now ms. ATTITUDE (in a snotty way!)... she's now being very snippy & sassy & throwing fits (just yesterday & today) which we never see... i know it's a result of so much going on... she'll get through it & so will we *smile*... thanks for being here to share with & give opinions as they help so much!!

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