"what i've said, that will i bring about & what i've planned, that will i do." isaiah 46:11

Thursday, October 4, 2007


well, i just opened my mail & in it was $50, a very sweet note (not signed) & a short story (very appropriate for a situation dad/mom's dealing with) - a HUGE thank you to whomever sent it & just know we're praying for you that you'll be blessed above anything you can ask or think - here's the story that was sent:
Making a difference... Once a man was walking on a beach & he saw many starfish on the sand. The starfish were dying because the tide was going out & the starfish couldn't reach the water. A small child was running up & down the beach, busily picking up starfish & throwing each back into the sea. The man said to her, "Child, why are you even bothering? There are so many starfish to help, you can't save them ALL, so why not save one & then stop?" The child stopped, picked up a starfish & threw it into the sea. "Because I made a difference to THAT one & had i stopped, IT wouldn't have lived", she said.
- Lori - [keep smilin']

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