"what i've said, that will i bring about & what i've planned, that will i do." isaiah 46:11

Thursday, March 6, 2008


i've been awarded the "free to fly award"
thank you, diane!
it reads like this:
i've wanted to be able to make an award that i could share with some of those blogs that consistently make me laugh, make me think & inspire me to grow & to reach - the types of blogs that do this for me have a few things in common
like a butterfly becomes beautiful, by living a quiet life, hidden for a season, while beauty develops on the inside - that same butterfly has to go through a season of struggle before it's free to fly! - once it's free to fly, that butterfly has a beauty we're are blessed to see - everywhere the butterfly goes, it spreads pollen & makes it possible for flowers to bloom & fruit to be developed - you could say it leaves a trail of life in its wake! - what a beautiful thought!
butterflies don't go around trying to be beautiful - they don't say, "hey, look at me" - they just ARE, they just DO, they just LIVE - all that time spent hidden in a cocoon, wasn't wasted - the time & effort spent struggling to get out of the cocoon made the butterfly strong & ABLE to fly!
i've been blessed to find many women through blogging, who've allowed the struggles of a hidden life, serving in ways that are often unseen & seemingly inconsequential (judging from their lack of entourage, paparazzi & assistants! - that IS what our culture uses as the standard for recognizing importance, right?), to make them strong, make them able to find the humor, able to see the big picture & to find the purpose in the everyday matters of investing in the lives around us
their ability to focus on the things that REALLY matter & to allow the struggles of life to strengthen them, leaves everyone they come in contact with a deposit of 'pollen' - a little dose of the grace that's unique to them, which adds wisdom, humor, truth & just a little whiff of the fragrance of Christ that's unique to them! - they're some wives, mothers, grandmothers, daughters & nieces - they fulfill all sorts of roles in & outside the home - in their church & outside their church - the world's a more beautiful & abundant place because of the daily choices they make - there are two scriptures for this & they work together: "He's made everything beautiful in its time - He's also planted eternity in men's hearts & minds [a divinely implanted sense of a purpose working through the ages which nothing under the sun but God alone can satisfy], yet so that men cannot find out what God's done from the beginning to the end - "ecclesiastes 3:11 & john 10:10" - the thief comes only in order to steal & kill & destroy - i came that they may have life & enjoy life & have it in abundance (till it overflows)" - now I need to pass it on to 5 wonderful people who inspire me:

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