"what i've said, that will i bring about & what i've planned, that will i do." isaiah 46:11

Monday, January 5, 2009

- it's gotta get better...right? -

after reading my recent post here, you know that i've been feeling very frazzled [for lack of a better word] - well, last night spike stayed up working on paperwork for an upcoming meeting that was to take place today, out of town - i went on to bed, but he stayed up to get it ready - this meeting was very crucial as it's a project that he's already gotten [he's a project manager for government projects], but it was given to him by the last commissioners of that county - recently, the commissioners have changed & the new ones, don't want this project to continue [it has nothing to do with them vs. spike, they just don't want to let go of that much $ right up front since they're new to the commissioner offices]
well, he didn't get to bed until after 4am & got up at 5 - when he went to get in his van, it wouldn't start [we never have trouble with any of our vehicles!!] - he pulled mine out, jumped his & took off...later than he needed to be [especially with this meeting being so important]
well, i talked to him a few hours later & mentioned that i hated it about his car not starting this morning - he said, "oh lori, that's not the ½ of it!" - apparently, since he was in a huge hurry he was speeding [& that's soooooooo not him - he won't go over the speed limit for any reason...until today]
well, not only did he get a ticket [yeah, add that right on to the bills!], but the police officer also had his van towed!!!!!! - we're to buy plates in september, but with adopting ahniér, we 'pushed the plates back a bit' & forgot about them!! - we're both driving on expired plates [no, really just me as he now doesn't have a van to drive!] - ugh, when it rains, it pours, but it's gonna get better...right?

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