"what i've said, that will i bring about & what i've planned, that will i do." isaiah 46:11

Thursday, April 10, 2008


alright, here was the scene earlier this morning...
brittan & i were in our computer room (aka: brittan's bedroom) & i heard a car door - i looked out to see the lady across the street (that hasn't lived there long & we don't know them) getting her son 'runaway robbie' (about 2 years) out of the car - she then leaned back into the car to get her baby...'baby jane' - while she was leaning in, runaway robbie headed for the street - i was freaking out, but then sighed a sigh of relief when i saw her pop her head out of the car & seemed to call him back - he ran back up to the driveway to her, but just as he got there, she leaned back into the car again & off he runs - he ran right into the street, but she noticed him & called him back again - ugh, i was going nuts in here!
i then thought ('thought' is the keyword here) that she had it under control as she had baby jane in her arms, purse on her shoulder, runaway robbie next to her & they were heading to the front door, but then just as she opened the door, runaway robbie took off towards the pond that's next to their house!!! - she went inside the house for what seemed like eternity & then finally ran back out without baby jane (i'm assuming she was laying her down or something) & sprinted off towards the pond (which i couldn't see from the 'computer room' window) - finally maniac mom & runaway robbie went into the house where baby jane had been placed & boy was i relieved when that front door was shut & they were all inside!

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