"what i've said, that will i bring about & what i've planned, that will i do." isaiah 46:11

Saturday, July 21, 2007


well, how 'bout a room without a door? ~ we'd a problem with a bedroom door for several years & so we decided to have it fixed ~ not a problem, you say? ~ (enter 'bill' aka harold since i can't remember his name, now our kids call him harold!) well, harold came over to do odd jobs about a month ago & fixing the door was on his list ~ well, everything (-2 things) were completed & today was the day to 'complete everything' ~ i went errand running all day, talking to spike periodically about harold finishing up, etc. & returned home to hear my 3y old say, "mommy, where's my door??" ~ yep, you guessed it, she's no door on her room now! ~ i asked spike & apparently harold either didn't measure correctly or the builders didn't build a 'normal sized door' (either of which could be true & wouldn't surprise me), but none the less, the girls have no door on the room at this point ~ it was after 11pm when karleigh finally went to sleep tonight as she kept seeing 'light in the other rooms', etc. & couldn't go to sleep as she thought we were all doing 'fun stuff' since she's used to drifting off with the door shut & then we open it once we go to bed ~ i asked when harold would be returning with our door & was told that it'd be the beginning of next week, then when i brought it up again this evening i was told, "well, i'd think he'd be here by wednesday or so, probably" ~ man, how's that for a definate answer! {hugs}

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