"what i've said, that will i bring about & what i've planned, that will i do." isaiah 46:11

Monday, May 19, 2008


well, i spent my entire morning searching for an apartment/house for rent UGH - i hate doing this, but if we've got to be out by june 26 & our new home won't be completed until the end of october, we've gotta find a place to stay, but moving twice does NOT sound fun to me at all! - i started by checking out apartments, but was floored to find they're as much as the house payment we're making now! [to some you make think i'm living in the dark ages, but really i had no idea they were that much] - i did find a home [3 bedroom, 2 full baths] that we could handle - i'm going to check it out this afternoon so i'll let you know how it goes - he said he was even willing to let us take it on a 4 or 5 month lease in stead of a 1 year (PTL) - he bought it, gutted it, put everything in brand new & it's supposed to be finished today - we'd be living in basically a brand new home, until our brand new home's completed, but moving twice does NOT sound fun to me at all! - brittan & ruby would be able to ride the bus to/from school, but i'd have to take/pick up kiara everyday as it's out of the school district from where we'll be living eventually - i'll post later on tonight as to how the place was & what i think, i'm just soooooooo ready to get this move behind us as moving twice does NOT sound fun to me at all!

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