"what i've said, that will i bring about & what i've planned, that will i do." isaiah 46:11

Friday, May 16, 2008


fetal development in pregnancy
(ending week 24 - starting week 25)
ahniér in 6th month

this' another big week for ahniér! - at this point, she's growing steadily, with about a quarter of a pound (now weighing between 1.4# - 1.9#) of new weight & still approximately 1' long (picture an ear of corn), that makes a pretty lean figure, but her body's filling out proportionally & she'll soon put on more baby fat - sure, she's not so chubby yet, but just wait that'll come - her lungs are also getting more prepared for the outside world - just take a look at the checklist for this week 1] ears: done 2] fingernails: done 3] lung walls: secreting 'surfactant' what's that? - well, surfactant's sort of what it sound like - a surface-activated fat whose main purpose is to assist ahniér's little lungs during inflation [as in, filling with air, not getting more expensive] - just in case you’re curious, she's still breathing in amniotic fluid, preparing & rehearsing the lungs an oxygen-filled life outside the womb - by the end of this week, she'll weigh around 2# & be 14" long - she may even be a little more plump, but isn't anywhere near her full baby-fatted cute-self - most of the “filling out” is coming up in that long awaited (& slightly dreaded?) third trimester - woohoo! - get ready! - her skin's thin, translucent & wrinkled, her brain's growing rapidly & her taste buds are developing - her lungs are developing "branches" of the respiratory "tree" & cells that produce surfactant, a substance that helps the air sacs inflate easily

pregnancy calendar

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