"what i've said, that will i bring about & what i've planned, that will i do." isaiah 46:11

Thursday, August 30, 2007


well, kiara went to school this monrning & brit's home sick (yes, again) - she's better, but still congested - since she's now on antibiotics, i'm sure she'll bounce back quick, she usually does - spike & i are taking the camper out today & setting up, then we'll come home & stay the night at home - we'll then let kiara & brit go to school tomorrow, but when brit gets out (2:35), we'll leave for the weekend - we'll not be returning until monday late in the afternoon/evening so it'll be fun to be there so long - we were thinking we'd go out tonight to stay, but forgot we've got 2 in school tomorrow! (ooops) - when we drop off the camper, spike & i are stopping by a home to look through as we're wanting to get movin' on this house thing right away - we're so out of room it's incredible - there's 6 of us living here & our house's just under 1800sf - we're desperately needing another bedroom & spike needs an office (so we can have our kitchen table back) - we're not planning anything tonight as we'll have a busy weekend - well, not a lot more to say, so tata! [hugs]


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