"what i've said, that will i bring about & what i've planned, that will i do." isaiah 46:11

Wednesday, August 29, 2007


well, doesn't seem like we did much, but we were busy all day long - this was brit's 2nd day home from school sick & she's only been in school like a week or 2!! - we got up, got 2 of the girls off to school, then talked to mom in haiti - she's doing fine, it's just extremely hot down there right now (it always is, but it's even hotter now) & she's cookin'! - she says bryce's eating more than she can shovel down him - he's VERY, VERY, VERY independant & will ONLY feed himself - she said he'll just scream bloody murder if she (or anyone else) tries to feed him, but give him stuff of his own & he's good to go - he's not even 2 yet & i know that he ate 2 whole bananas, 2 pretty good sized bowls of cheerios (cassandra, stock up as they're his absolute favs!!!), 2 packs of cheese/crackers, water & lots of it & 2 whole hot dogs - mom then opened her a big can of chuncked chicken as she just had surgery & that's the main thing she could eat, but guess what? - she never got it due to 'bubba' eating it all - she said he got ahold of that bowl, pulled it up next to him & started shoveling - she said she didn't have the heart to take it from him (even though it was hers) as she's just thrilled that he's eating so well - when he's finished with one thing, he'll just start grunting & pointing for more of whatever it is you've got to eat - they do this from morning until night & he stays content - he's been sleeping really well, so mom's glad about that as when bryce sleeps well... mom sleeps well!! - she's having a blast with madisyn & a young deaf boy named evans - mom's staying at the village full time now until the 8th of september when she leaves to come home - i know she's enjoying herself, but will be soooooooo glad to return home

we'd dad (aka the little lost boy) over for dinner tonight & that was nice - we'd smoked sausage, mac 'n cheese, peas & tomatoes & was able to send some home with him for tomorrows dinner as well - he then took spike to get our camper as we're leaving tomorrow for a few days to go camping & we're all excited (especially karleigh as she's the 'lil camper of the bunch)

we began (again) looking at homes last night (only 1 for now) & will hit it hard next week - we put our house up for sale yesterday so we're praying it sells quick as selling a home's something i hate to do! - when it sells, we've no idea where we'll move temporarily, but we'll cross that bridge when we come to it

i may post more later, but for now i'm off to add poundage to my hips & grab a 'not so good for me' snack ("i'm comin' sweet thangs, i'm a comin' really fast", i say to the kit kat bars that are beckoning me from the kitchen) [hugs]

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